Tax Time Enrollment Option for Health Insurance

The deadline for the Tax Time enrollment period for health insurance enrollment in Colorado is fast approaching.

Many Coloradoans do not know that there is an additional ACA enrollment period that coincides with tax time, which runs from February to April 18th.

During the Tax Time enrollment period in Colorado, individuals who did not enroll in a health insurance plan during the annual open enrollment period – November – January – can still sign up for coverage as long as they have yet to file their 2022 income taxes.

This is the last opportunity that an uninsured individual will have to enroll into coverage in Colorado until open enrollment begins in November for calendar year 2024.

Visit Here to learn more about Tax Time Enrollment on the CFHC website.

To enroll in a health insurance plan during the tax time enrollment period in Colorado, please schedule a meeting on my calendar:

Just want to ask a few quick questions?  Please contact me direct:
m: 303.579.6397.  I always answer my phone.  Thank you.