Exchange / ACA Plans

The Colorado Exchange ( is the portal for individual enrollment when you want to set up a federal subsidy (tax credit).  It varies by region in Colorado, but in general you will have access to all carriers on Colorado’s Exchange, especially on the front range.

Be sure to verify that your primary care physician and/or specialist participates with a given carrier before enrollment.  Same thing for your local or preferred hospital.  Otherwise, you will be changing your physician after the enrollment based on the HMO or EPO network available within the various exchange-based plans.

Using a health insurance broker is advisable when trying to determine what is best for you or your family’s particular circumstances.  A broker’s services are typically free, and they can offer advice about the accessibility to physicians and local hospitals.  Figuring this out yourself can be very tricky and frustrating.  It’s important to point out that your health insurance premium is the same whether you choose to use a broker, or not.


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